抖音男友力爆棚的过肩抱BGM是什么歌 《Meant To Be》完整版歌词在线听歌

时间:2020-10-11 11:40:15来源:本站整理作者:gj点击:


抖音男友力爆棚的过肩抱BGM是什么歌 《Meant To Be》完整版歌词在线听歌


bgm歌名是Meant To Be,是Arc North联手Krista Marina于2016年11月11日发布的单曲。

抖音男友力爆棚的过肩抱BGM是什么歌 《Meant To Be》完整版歌词在线听歌


I want you to show me

How to get to know

Someone like you someone like you

I want you to know me

'Cause I know then you'll see

We can be true we can be true

I want you to see what I see in us

Something so real something so real

I want you to see that this is a love

That we both feel that we both feel

And how will we ever know

If the love will ever grow

Without trying without trying

And how will we ever see

If we are meant to be

It's terrifying it's terrifying

That we are meant to be

We are we are

That we are meant to be

That we are meant to be

We are we are

That we are meant to be

We both been there before

When love shuts the door

It's a losing game it's a losing game

But this time it's more

Than another love war

抖音男友力爆棚的过肩抱BGM是什么歌 《Meant To Be》完整版歌词在线听歌

This ain't the same this ain't the same

They say love heals all

It makes it all alright

In time in time

My heart still feels the breaking

But you make my world so bright

It feels so right it feels so right

And how will we ever feel

That what we got is real

There's no denying there's no denying

And how will we ever see

If we are meant to be

It's terrifying it's terrifying

And how till we ever know

If the love will ever grow

Without trying without trying

And how will we ever see

If we are meant to be

It's terrifying it's terrifying

That we are meant to be

We are we are

That we are meant to be

That we are meant to be

We are we are

That we are meant to be






我知道终有一天,我会去寻找属于我的那道Neon Rainbow







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